
Combattante II G Laheeb sea trials


Combattante II G Laheeb sea trials 

Sea trials of Libyan navy Combattante II G class ship Laheeb were held on 22.9.2010. The vessel reached the speed of 38 knots during the buy cheapest kamagra ca trials. General overhaul of carlosjuan.eu kamagra the vessel and generic proscar all systems were finished earlier this month. This fast attack craft arrived in Croatia as a part of Adria-Mar Shipbuilding overhaul program for Libyan navy vessels.

Fast attack craft Laheeb is discount canada clomid the first vessel of Combattante II G class that arrived in Croatia for general overhaul. Adria-Mar company signed the contract for overhaul, organized and managed entire process. The vessel was at arrival in a very neglected state, hardly capable of sailing. General overhaul included complete repair of hull in Kraljevica shipyard. Four main engines were overhauled at MTU factory in Friedrichshaven. Navigation, communication and weapon systems were repaired and renewed by PCE company from Split.

During the sea trials engine power and speed were measured independently, as well as vibrations of the propulsion compound. Results showed that engines performed to designed value and that vibrations are inside recommended values.

Laheeb overhaul brochure will be published in Download section soon.

More pictures are in Gallery.


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